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Freedom Works

Freedom Works

A grassroots service center dedicated to helping activists fight for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.



Freedom Works

FreedomWorks exists to build, educate, and mobilize the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law.

We are over 6 million Americans who are passionate about promoting free markets and individual liberty. Our members all share three common traits: a desire for less government, lower taxes, and more economic freedom.

For over a quarter century, FreedomWorks has identified, educated, and actuated citizens who are enthused about showing up to support free enterprise and constitutionally limited government.
We are not primarily a "think-tank," content to study the issues and publish papers and reports. FreedomWorks breaks down the barriers between the beltway insiders and grassroots America.
FreedomWorks members know that government goes to those who show up. That's why we give them the tools to break through the media noise and provide the same access to Washington as the big-moneyed lobbyists.

Preserving liberty depends on all Americans having access to their elected officials—not just special interests. FreedomWorks holds Washington accountable to the citizens that put them in office.
Our website is designed to help make your voice louder than your vote. Whether it's educating you on important issues, or helping you contact elected officials, we want to make your activism as effective and easy as possible.

FreedomWorks was originally founded as Citizens for a Sound Economy in 1984.

FreedomWorks was founded to fight for liberty and brought together some of the best and brightest minds of the liberty movement. Since then, we've expanded our ambitions from a free-market think tank to a service center for the grassroots freedom movement across the whole country.



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