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The Epoch Times Videos


Gordon Chang on Chinese Agents, Clashes With Philippines, and ‘Momentum Towards War’ | Trailer

Gordon Chang on Chinese Agents, Clashes With Philippines, and ‘Momentum Towards War’ | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: 🇺🇸 Stay updated with breaking news, special reports, and LIVE COVERAGE on NTD: In this episode, we sit down with Gordon Chang to understand the Chinese regime’s strategy to destabilize America, from fentanyl warfare to election disinformation to suspicious activity at the border. “We’re seeing a change in composition of Chinese migrants. So if we go back two or three years ago, it’s basically family groups. Now you’re seeing packs of single males, groups of five to 15, military-age, traveling without family members, some of them pretending not to speak English. And as Chairman [Mark] Green noted, U.S. Border Patrol knows some of them have links to the Chinese military,” Mr. Chang says. We also discuss China’s growing nuclear arsenal, tensions in the South China Sea, and where things may be headed. “We have these extremely belligerent, provocative acts, some of which constitute acts of war against the Philippines. … We see this right now at Sabina Shoal. Last month, it was Second Thomas Shoal. Before that, it was Whitsun Reef. But all of these areas are very close to the main islands of the Philippines and very far from China. They are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.” America has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines and has issued multiple warnings—with little effect. “We see momentum toward war, and we Americans have got to ask ourselves, what is going to stop this momentum to war?” Chang says. Chang is the author of the new book “Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America.” Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. 🧶 Support us: 🔴 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch: 🔴SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: Gordon Chang on Chinese Agents, Clashes With Philippines, and ‘Momentum Towards War’ | Trailer #chineseagents #war #gordonchang ------------------ © All Rights Reserved.
Escaping Vietnam to Become a Leader in San Jose: Madison Nguyen’s Inspiring Journey | Trailer

Escaping Vietnam to Become a Leader in San Jose: Madison Nguyen’s Inspiring Journey | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: It’s a journey that starts with escaping a communist dictatorship. “In the middle of the night, my parents woke all of us up to board my dad’s fishing boat,” said Madison Nguyen. “My dad only had a compass, but he knew that to escape Vietnam, we needed to sail west, toward America.” Nguyen later became one of the first Vietnamese Americans to serve on an elected school board in California. In 2005, she made history as the first Vietnamese American elected to San Jose’s City Council—then the nation’s 10th largest city and home to more Vietnamese residents than any city outside of Vietnam. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” said Nguyen. “There are so many incidents of retail theft, smash-and-grab activities happening in our community. You have to wonder, why is this happening again? I want to see that change. I want to be a part of the solution, where we fix these problems.” After serving the city for eight years, including as vice mayor, she worked for nonprofit and business advocacy groups. Today, we sit down with Nguyen to talk about her journey and why she became involved in politics. 🧶 Support us: 🔴 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch: 🔴SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: Escaping Vietnam to Become a Leader in San Jose: Madison Nguyen’s Inspiring Journey | Trailer #bayareainnovators #freedom #vietnam ------------------ Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. © All Rights Reserved.
The Unmatched Magic of Silicon Valley: A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective | Trailer

The Unmatched Magic of Silicon Valley: A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: Silicon Valley’s exceptional success can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including the pioneering efforts of early companies, a robust and supportive ecosystem, and a unique culture that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship. This region has become a global hub for technology and startup activity, largely due to its dynamic environment. Our Bay Area innovator today is Sudhir Kadam. As a venture partner at FYDA Growth Partners, a prominent venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, Mr. Kadam focuses on driving growth through business innovation. “The things are in the right place, for the right people to come here and realize their dream,” said Mr. Kadam. “Any new innovation is not a slam dunk, there is every chance that it will fail ... we will take the risk, because we see bigger rewards.” Today, Mr. Kadam discusses what makes Silicon Valley special and the key drivers behind the creation of many successful startups. 🇺🇸 Stay updated with breaking news, special reports, and LIVE COVERAGE on NTD: 🧶 Support us: 🔴 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch: 🔴SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: The Unmatched Magic of Silicon Valley: A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective | Trailer #silicon #bayareainnovators #pioneer ------------------ Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. © All Rights Reserved.
How Marxism Exploits Crises and Division: Mike Gonzalez and Katie Gorka | Trailer

How Marxism Exploits Crises and Division: Mike Gonzalez and Katie Gorka | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: What is the connection between the anti-Israel protests we are seeing today and the 2014 unrest in Ferguson, Missouri? Is there a link to the French and Bolshevik revolutions? “The reason they tell you there’s systemic racism is because if you believe that, then the only logical conclusion is you must have a completely systemic overhaul,” says Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. “It’s not about improving the lot of anyone. It’s about power.” And what do these have to do with the industrialization of the West and America’s Great Society programs of the 1960s? “It was those programs that disadvantaged the family, and I think that’s really at the heart of the problem,” says Katie Gorka, chair of the Fairfax Republicans in Virginia. In this episode, I sit down with Gorka and Gonzalez to discuss their new book, “Next Gen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It.” 🇺🇸 Stay updated with breaking news, special reports, and LIVE COVERAGE on NTD: 🧶 Support us: 🔴 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch: 🔴SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: How Marxism Exploits Crises and Division: Mike Gonzalez and Katie Gorka | Trailer #marxism #israel #heritagefoundation ------------------ Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. © All Rights Reserved.
How Sugar Is Both ‘Brain Saver’ and Toxin: The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners | Trailer

How Sugar Is Both ‘Brain Saver’ and Toxin: The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners | Trailer

🔵 Watch the full episode: When does sugar work for the brain, and when does it work against it? What’s needed for the optimal use of sugar in the body? Dr. Russell Blaylock knows what it takes to keep a brain in top condition. He was a neurosurgeon for 25 years, alongside which he had a nutritional practice. Sugar, he says, isn’t always nutritionally bad for the brain. “And we found that people’s memory improves if you give them glucose,” he says. “For instance, you can take Alzheimer’s patients and give them a drink with [glucose] and their memory gets better temporarily,” he adds. Of course, eating too much of the “wrong” sugar has its risks. It’s clearly connected to obesity, and with that comes higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and other diseases. But whether sugar is helpful or harmful to the body depends on the form it’s in—for example, whether it’s a simple sugar or complex sugar, and whether the right nutrients are there to help metabolize it. “It requires enzymes to slowly break the sugar down to produce these different elements that are used during [cellular processes], like the Krebs cycle and electron transport,” Dr. Blaylock explains. Today, Dr. Blaylock joins Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon to reveal sugar in both its harmful and healthy forms, and to explain how we make it work best for our bodies. 🇺🇸 Stay updated with breaking news, special reports, and LIVE COVERAGE on NTD: 🧶 Support us: 🔴 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch: 🔴SUBSCRIBE to The Epoch Times YouTube channel TODAY: How Sugar Is Both ‘Brain Saver’ and Toxin: The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners | Trailer #vitalsigns #sugar #brain ------------------ Vital Signs’ host, guests, and contributors offer general information on improving health and wellness. This is not intended as diagnosis or medical advice. You should consult your medical doctor or holistic doctor before enacting any suggested strategies for health and wellness improvement, including those in relation to preventing or treating specific diseases featured on this program. Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. © All Rights Reserved.



American Thought Leaders Videos
Government Statistics Do No Reflect Economic Reality: EJ Antoni

Government Statistics Do No Reflect Economic Reality: EJ Antoni

🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: This is a condensed version of the interview with EJ Antoni. The full version was released on Epoch TV on September 12, 2024. EJ Antoni is an economist and fellow at the Heritage Foundation, whose research focuses on fiscal and monetary policy. In this episode, he breaks down the discrepancies between government data, media reporting, and today’s economic realities. “Essentially, a third of all the jobs we thought we had added over that year are gone. They never existed. It’s like taking four whole months of job creation and ripping them off the calendar,” says Antoni. Antoni analyzes various indicators and inputs to determine what the real data reveals about the state of our economy. “We don’t see the numbers quite matching up to a lot of the government statistics,” says Antoni. “And we get into some very perverse situations where the [Bureau of Labor Statistics] actually counts something as an increase in quality when, in fact, it’s a decrease, and the consumer is paying more for it.” “When we look at business sales, business inventories, and it doesn't matter if it's we're doing retail sales, wholesale sales, manufacturing sales, you name it, all of these different pieces of information, a lot of which we get from the Census Bureau. People look at these numbers and say, My goodness, they're going to the moon. The economy is doing great. But none of them are adjusted for inflation.” “Where I think this becomes scandalous is the fact that these statistical problems first became evident in the spring of 2022, so more than two years ago, and nothing has been done to correct them.” - - - 🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
How Young Kids Get Addicted to Online Porn: Clare Morell

How Young Kids Get Addicted to Online Porn: Clare Morell

🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: This is a condensed version of the interview with Clare Morell. The full version was released on Epoch TV on August 27, 2024. “In Snapchat, which is, you know, a very common, popular app for young kids, within four clicks, a child can get to Pornhub. If a child clicks on a Pornhub link inside of Snapchat, they'll be brought to Pornhub's page, all within the app, and that's something that the parent can't see into,” says Clare Morell, senior policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “There's a symbiosis between pornography sites and adult apps like onlyfans and social media. These porn performers and porn websites are actually going to social media to recruit new users, and so it's very easy for a kid to stumble across it and to think, Oh, what is that? And just click on a link without even thinking further.” “This medium of social media, the way it's designed for likes and followers, is sexualized and is trying to send the message that sex is normal, including for children, including violent, aggressive sex,” she says. Morell is an advocate for child protection and a leading voice in the conversation about digital safety. She’s also the author of the forthcoming book, “The Tech Exit: A Manifesto for Freeing Our Kids,” which looks at the disastrous effect that pornography and other violent and sexual online content has had on society. “Kids don’t even need to go looking for it anymore. It finds them on social media… The porn companies and the big tech companies are really hijacking children's vulnerabilities, and it's happening on apps that I don't think parents are fully aware of.” “With a smartphone and just hundreds of apps, there are 1000s of portals to this type of porn content that are incredibly difficult for parents to oversee effectively. And so it really is a dire situation and and so that's why a lot of my work focuses also on trying to help pass better laws to back parents up and to protect our kids.” Clare Morell recommends this book to parents of young kids: “Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids” by Kristen Jenson. - - - 🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
China’s Unrestricted Drug War Against Americans: Peter Schweizer

China’s Unrestricted Drug War Against Americans: Peter Schweizer

🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: This interview was originally released in April, 2024. Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. The fentanyl trade is a “CCP-run operation,” says investigative journalist Peter Schweizer. He’s the author of, most recently, “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.” In this video, he breaks down the Chinese regime’s disintegration-warfare strategies to destroy America from within—from killing young Americans with fentanyl to radicalizing protests in America so they adopt increasingly violent tactics: "With the precursor chemicals that make fentanyl, 90 percent of them come from China. Those precursors mainly arrive in a single port in Mexico, the port of Manzanillo on the west coast. The international terminal at the port of Manzanillo is not run by a Mexican company. It’s not run by an American company. It’s run by a Chinese company. That is one of the reasons they have a hard time stopping this flow of precursors." "The vast majority of people that are dying of fentanyl overdoses don’t even know they’re taking fentanyl. It’s being laced into illegally made pills that look like Vicodin and Adderall. For the drug cartels to do that, they need pill presses and pill molds, these small molds that make these fake pills look like the real thing. The drug cartels do that, and they get those pill presses and pill molds from China." "Between the Biden family and the fentanyl trade, you literally have one degree of separation, this businessman that gave them this $5 million interest-free loan, which of course, the Bidens never repaid. Honestly, does Joe Biden want to have a conversation about the Chinese involvement in the fentanyl trade?" - - - 🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
How China Built its Industrial Infrastructure on Top of U.S. Debt.: Economist Jeffrey Tucker

How China Built its Industrial Infrastructure on Top of U.S. Debt.: Economist Jeffrey Tucker

🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: This interview was first released on Epoch TV on Aug 8, 2024. Jeffrey Tucker is the senior economics columnist at The Epoch Times and the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute. “Once we start accurately measuring inflation, and I won’t speculate on the exact number, but we know it’s at least 127 percent over four years.” This episode dives into what’s really going on with the U.S. economy. Are we in a recession? Are prices and unemployment rising or falling? What about domestic manufacturing and imports? And can economic data be trusted? “Debt is the leading export of the U.S. and a leading product that we make. This is not sustainable; it’s just not going to work.” “We need to stop creating more debt. Just stop it. Stop printing money and reduce the budget. We need to prevent Congress from making reckless decisions. It can be fixed. But if we want to save American manufacturing, we need to start there.” “How is it possible that a country known for its expertise in apparel, textiles, toys, shoes, watches, pianos, steel, consumer electronics, machinery, and so much more suddenly doesn’t produce any of those things anymore? We had the knowledge, the resources, the markets, and the supply chains. Is it right that we let all of that go to waste?” “Economies are resilient and robust, and they respond rapidly. When people believe they will be rewarded for their work, when they see the government living within its means, when they feel trust is being rebuilt and the truth is being told, they become motivated. They engage in enterprising activities, invest, and help in the swift rebuilding of the country. I genuinely believe that the rebuilding process could take place relatively quickly. It’s not a hopeless situation.” - - - 🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
The Power Players Behind the Scenes in Venezuela: Joseph Humire

The Power Players Behind the Scenes in Venezuela: Joseph Humire

🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: This Interview was first released on Epoch TV on August 3, 2024 To understand Venezuela’s disputed election and the bigger picture of what’s really going on in the region—including how China, Russia, and Iran are involved—leading security expert Joseph Humire gives a comprehensive deep dive. “This is probably the biggest electoral fraud in the history of Latin America, at least in modern times in the 21st century. The difference of what we’re talking about is not in the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, it’s in the millions of votes,” Humire says. "To solve the crisis at the southern border, we must address Venezuela. To combat drug smuggling and trafficking, which originates from the Colombian-Venezuelan border, we must tackle the Venezuela problem. To address democracy and election fraud, we must address Venezuela. This is a problem that requires a hemispheric response, and the United States needs a regional strategy." Humire is executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society and visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. CHAPTER BREAKS: Venezuela's Disputed Election and Regional Implications (0:00 - 1:14) Exposing the Election Fraud: Maria Corina Machado's Efforts (1:15 - 5:39) Maduro's Rigged Election and Potential Regime Change (5:40 - 9:51) Venezuela's Ties to Iran, Russia and China (9:52 - 18:09) The Origins of the Bolivarian Revolution (18:10 - 24:25) Middle Eastern Influence in Latin America (24:26 - 26:25) Maduro's Military Buildup to Invade Guyana (26:26 - 32:24) China's Approach to Warfare and Geopolitical Ambitions (32:25 - 37:38) Venezuela as a Platform to Attack the United States (37:39 - 45:38) The Need for a Renewed US Foreign Policy in Latin America (45:39 - 49:53) 🔴 Try EpochTV for just $1 per week: ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
China Insider


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Larry Elder

Larry Elder Videos
Ep 33: Hezbollah Pagers Explode

Ep 33: Hezbollah Pagers Explode

Episode 32 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Kamala “Middle-Class” Harris Babbles Through Solo Interviews; Hezbollah Terrorists Lose Their lose Johnsons When Their Pagers Explode; the “Trump is Racist” Myth; Argentina President Javier Milei Tells U.N. to Shove It; Kamala FINALLY Goes to the Border—12 Million Illegals Too Late; Janet Jackson Hates on “Not Black” Kamala; NYC Mayor Indicted for Corruption/Influence Peddling—But Biden Crime Family Gets a Pass… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 32: Democrats’ Anti-Trump Rhetoric Inspires Would-be Assassins

Ep 32: Democrats’ Anti-Trump Rhetoric Inspires Would-be Assassins

Episode 32 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Trump’s Life Spared AGAIN!; Democrats’ Hateful Anti-Trump Rhetoric Inspires Would-be Assassins; Kamala Can’t Even Handle FRIENDLY Media; Tucker Carlson Holds with Larry Elder and RFK, Jr. Townhall; Border; Hezbollah Pagers Go Boom; Border Patrol Whistleblower Says Biden-Harris Told Him the Hide the Danger ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 31: Yes, Haitians ARE Eating Animals in Springfield, OH

Ep 31: Yes, Haitians ARE Eating Animals in Springfield, OH

Episode 31 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Debate Fall out: Harris Lies--But Trump Gets "Fact-Checked" by ABC Moderators; Let's Fact-Check the "Fact-Checkers"; Yes, Haitians ARE Eating Animals in Springfield, OH--and More!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 30: Undercover Video Shows DOJ Official Admit of Two-Tiered Justice System

Ep 30: Undercover Video Shows DOJ Official Admit of Two-Tiered Justice System

Episode 30 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) A DOJ official caught in an undercover video admits federal and state lawfare against Trump; Georgia High shooter stopped by in-school officers—Harris wanted in-school officers removed; Alexa is biased against Trump; Harris’s “Negro dialect”; Oprah’s abortion hypocrisy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 29: Kamala's First Interview is Full of Lies

Ep 29: Kamala's First Interview is Full of Lies

Episode 29 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Kamala's first interview is full of lies -- and she needed her comfort puppy, Tim Walz; Kamala's "Day One" plan; RFK, Jr. on what's REALLY at stake; Trump and the phony "Exonerated" Central Park 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 28: Robert Kennedy Jr. Suspends His Campaign

Ep 28: Robert Kennedy Jr. Suspends His Campaign

Episode 28 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) RFK, Jr. drops a bombshell and endorses... Trump!; Chicago DNC summary: Trump evil, racist & fascist--who needs policies when we have "joy"?; Where's the "CHOICE"-- for K-12 Chicago students?; And will the REAL abortion "EXTREMISTS" please stand up?!? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 27: It is STILL the Economy, Stupid!

Ep 27: It is STILL the Economy, Stupid!

Episode 27 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) JD Vance sits down for an interview with CNN—When will Harris do the Same?; It is STILL the Economy Stupid!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 26: What You Need to Know About Tim Walz

Ep 26: What You Need to Know About Tim Walz

Episode 26 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Joe Biden says If Donald Trump Loses, There Won’t Be A Peaceful Transition of Power; Remember the Leftwing Violence When Trump Won?; The Radical Policies Of Harris-Walz; Tim Walz Lies About His Military Service; and Kamala Harris Wants Equal AND ‘Equity’. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave
Ep 25: Trump Fights Back Against Rude Journalist at NABJ

Ep 25: Trump Fights Back Against Rude Journalist at NABJ

Episode 25 of "Larry Elder -- We've Got a Country to Save" (Brought to you by my friends by and Freedom Chat) Trump comes out swinging at the National Association of Black Journalists; Trump called "racist" for asking, "Since when did Kamala Harris become black?"; Mispronouncing Kamala or calling her a DEI hire is "RACIST and SEXIST"?!?; JD Vance and "childless cat ladies"; Suddenly, Harris is a "moderate"; and Mr. Trump, keep it simple: Ask voters, "Are you better off now than you were 3 1/2 years ago?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YREFY What makes Yrefy so different from other investments? They offer a secure, collateralized portfolio with a strong, fixed rater of return -- up to 10.25%. There is no attack on your principal if you ever need your money back, you can. With Yrefy, YOU'RE IN CONTROL! Call (888) 819-9556 or visit them at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIRCH GOLD GROUP With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and TENS OF THOUSANDS of happy customers… you can count on Birch Gold too. Just visit to claim your free info-kit and to protect your savings from uncertainty today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREEDOM CHAT Freedom Chat has verifiable end-to-end encryption, built-in screenshot protection, no storage of messages on their servers, and no commercial use of user data. I am such a fan of Freedom Chat, in fact, that I have created my own private channel that you can subscribe to for exclusive content including never seen images, videos, and posts! Speak freely and message privately with Freedom Chat. Now available at the App Store and coming soon to Android! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATRIOT MOBILE Patriot Mobile is America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider. Since 2013, Patriot Mobile has given Americans a conservative alternative for their cell service by providing dependable nationwide coverage on 4G or 5G networks and exceptional U.S.-based customer support. Just go to or call 972-PATRIOT! Get FREE ACTIVATION when you use the offer code LARRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPOCH TIMES Epoch Times is the fastest-growing newspaper in America. They expose the CCP's espionage, subversion, and unconventional warfare against America, while big newspapers like NYT and LATimes have been appeasing the CCP for years, publishing pro-CCP content in their newspaper. Visit and subscribe to real news today! #WeveGotACountryToSave


Joshua Philipp
NYC Mayor Indicted; Trump Warned of Assassination Plot

NYC Mayor Indicted; Trump Warned of Assassination Plot

🔵 Watch the full episode HERE 👉 🇺🇸 EpochTV $1 Sale: 🧈 Get Up To 15,000 of Free Silver with American Hartford Gold. Call 877-260-2764, text “JOSHUA” to 6-5-5-3-2, or visit: 🔴 Watch ‘Final War’ Only On EpochTV: The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, has been indicted on bribery and fraud charges. This includes allegations of accepting illegal campaign contributions from foreign nationals. The federal investigation appears to include others within his administration as well. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has allegedly been warned by U.S. intelligence of an Iranian plot to assassinate him. This follows the two attempts on his life, and an Iranian hacker breach of his campaign. We’ll discuss these topics and others, and answer questions from the audience, in this episode of Crossroads. 🔴 Subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss an episode! 👉 ⭕️ Watch more Crossroads👉 🔴 Donate to support our work: ⭕️ Follow us on GAN JING WORLD: 🔴 Stay informed. Stay Free. Join us: - - - - - - - - - Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. © All Rights Reserved.
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